Agapi Gessesse
Agapi Gessesse is a powerful, influential and fearless changemaker. Born and raised in Toronto by a refugee mother, Agapi’s commitment to community development stems from her lived experience, which propelled her to obtain her Master's Degree in Social Justice. Agapi has captivated audiences on local and national stages and conferences including the National Housing Conference, AFP, and Maytree’s Five Good Ideas. She speaks and writes articles on topics such as diversity and inclusion, workforce development and youth engagement.
Agapi Gessesse is currently the Executive Director of the CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals. She is a passionate, driven and visionary leader who champions the mission and vision of CEE-addressing economic issues affecting Black youth. Since starting her role, Agapi has spearheaded the substantial growth of the organizations’ impact, reach and sustainability. For over a decade, Agapi has worked to enhance the lives of marginalized youth through her work with Toronto Community Housing (TCHC), United Way Greater Toronto (UWGT) and as the ED of POV 3rd Street. Her roles and mandates include that of a professional fundraiser, social enterprise manager, and coordinator of the youth leadership program.
Agapi’s accomplishments and practical impact continue to burgeon. Throughout her career, Gessesse has been recognized for her work in the field as Dial Mover in Tech in 2019 and has been awarded the Maytree Fellow and Aroni Awards.